
Tuesday 21 August 2012

S - Secret to Law of Attraction


To recap, the Law of Attraction is basically a Universal law that states "like attracts like." In essence, you are made up of energy and the energy that you put out attracts more of the same type of energy to you. So, the whole concept of the Law of Attraction is to "focus on the things you desire in your life", and not the things that you do not desire, and the Universe will bring to you the things you desire.

The key towards how fast the things you desire and get manifested is to have that element of "FAITH". FAITH is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. FAITH is the key in transforming the invisible to the visble plane. One need to focus focus on the things you desire in your life, and with 100% FAITH that Universe will surely bring you the things you desire. The only issue here is the perfect timing, and this is dependent on your FAITH not blame the Universe that your request is unanswered.

I've noticed that when I'm in doubt the good things come to me slower. Generate strong faith and you will see that things get manifested much faster ! Have FAITH that what you desire is already yours. For those Christian, God already stated in the Bible, "I have given you the land." Now go and claim it !

I must agree that taking action in FAITH and maintaining the positive emotional level to see results on a continuing basis is very difficult, espeically in this negative and fast-paced world.If you study the LOA, the theories are simple and easy; but the on-going practice is difficult to maintain.

Next time, remember that if you experience a time delay in receiving what you want, it's only because of the time it takes you to get onto the same feeling frequency that your desire is on, and this really depend on how much FAITH you have !

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