
Sunday 30 October 2011

K - Knowledge is Prosperity !

As the old adage goes "Knowledge is Power" ! Power can also means Prosperity ! I personally believe that knowledge or educating oneself is the key to prosperity. If not why are the prosperous countries over the world invested so much money on education ?

Before you can master something you got to understand it and then you can tame it. One need to gain sufficient knowledge in the world of money, living within your means, reducing your debts or liabilities and increasing your assets and cash flow.

To kick start your knowledge on prosperity, I personally think that the fastest way is to attend those free seminars ( yes, they are free and usually last for 2 hours, marketed as course preview) conducted by course trainers. These include power of mind / positive affirmation , Feng Shui, property investment, Forex/ Stock market  investment, online marketing, MLM etc.

All these can give you an immediate insights on the various tools the investors out there are using to make money. Based on these knowledge you may wish to focus on 1-2 suitable tools ( based on your risk appetite) to gain more in-dept understanding to kick start your journey towards multiple sources of income !

Thursday 27 October 2011

J - Japanese Prosperity Symbols

Some Japanese Prosperity symbols which I'm using for affirmation of prosperity. Look at the Japanese whom have been able to rise up after 2nd world war and currrently  Japanese economy is among the Top in the world (after US and China). So there is some truth in these prosperity symbols used by the Japanese which we can learn.

Thought to share with you as I'm having some good results adopting them.

1) Daikokuten 大黑天


Daikoku's images are found in the temples of  Tibet and China and the God enjoys an exalted position as a household deity in Japan.

Daikoku is variously considered to be the god of wealth, or of the household, particularly the kitchen. He is recognised by his wide face, smile, and a flat black hat. He is often portrayed holding a golden  mallet (which distribute money) and is seen seated on bags of rice, with mice nearby  (mice signify plentiful food).

You can invite a statue of Daikokuten home or your office and made daily offerings (eg. Red wine, Sweet stuff such as mochi, chocolate, sweets etc.).

Daikokuten is a manifestation of the Universe and by sharing your goodness with the Universe, the Universe in turn will share its goodness with you.  At the end of the day, you need to consume the offerings which symbolise you have received His blessings. Usually your wishes are manifested quite quickly. 

Do contribute some to charities or for a good cause to seal your goodness permanent, as the saying goes "Give and you shall  be given".
1885-1939 BANK OF JAPAN 10 YEN with picture of "Daikokuten"

2) Japanese Kumade (Raking in Good Luck)
(Source: )

Kumade, The Shitamachi Museum, Ueno

This is a kumade, a wide rake made of bamboo, traditionally used to sweep the fallen leaves or grains. During the Edo period, people started decorating kumade with good luck charms and selling them at shrines, to help “raking in” success, wealth, safety and happiness.

In this photo you can spot one of the most frequently used adornments for kumade, the mask Otafuku, a female mask used in the Kyogen theater, known also as the “Goddess of mirth". Apparently, using the Otafuku mask rakes in the happiness and the prosperity. Also used very frequently are replicas of gold coins or treasure chests, for good luck in business.

Kumade, The Shitamachi Museum, Ueno

Another frequently used decorations for kumade are the maneki neko (which bring success in business), the crane (symbol of longevity in Japan - is said to live 1000 years) and the turtle (symbol of good luck and longevity - is said to bring 10000 years of happiness - can you resist to that?!).  Small replicas of shrines or mikoshi can also be used.

The following kumade, photographed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Building, is also ornamented with a replica of the building itself.

Kumade, Tokyo Metropolitan Building

Kumade are sold at festivals called Tori-no-Ichi held all over Japan usually at the end of the year. The biggest Tori-no-Ichi takes place in November, at the Ohtori Shrine and at
the Juzaisan Chokoku-ji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo.

In Singapore, you can get the Kumade from this shop Akihabara (Bugis Junction).
Address: Bugis Junction #03-25 , Bugis Junction.

You should buy small one in the beginning, then you buy bigger and bigger for coming years. So, you have to buy new one every year. This is because you want to make your business bigger and bigger in the future.

You can put the Kumade near the entrance or anywhere your customer can see it meaning raking  prosperity and wealth from all directions.

3) Maneki Cat (Wish Fulfilling Fortune Cat)

Japanese most popular prosperity symbolism - Fortune Cats, also known as Lucky Cats, Beckoning Cats, Money Cats or Maneki Neko in Japanese are believed to attract wealth and good fortune wherever it is displayed. For those who are professionals, the Fortune Cat will help you climb the career ladder and attain an impressive salary. For those involved in competitive business, the Fortune Cats will attract extra sales opportunities to you. Not only do they benefit in many ways, but the Fortune Cat is also adorable to look at !
The Fortune Cat is usually depicted with an upright paw, beckoning business and money. It can be easily seen at the entrance in shops, restaurants, and other businesses in Asia, especially Japan.

If you can afford a little money, you can get a decorated Wish-Fulfilling Fortune Cat embedded with dazzling crystals and accented with colorful enamel. The glittering gems represent abundant riches and wealth.

When shone with lights, it will attract many admiring eyes, as well as emitting vibes of prosperous energy and the good traits that it represents. You can place it at a prominent location (ie. Wealth areas such as South-East, or the Far Left Corner when facing Entrance) or near your cash register.

Make sure the cat is facing the front entrance meaning attracting wealth and prosperity from all directions!

Remember: The pace of prosperity manifestation is only as fast as how these items help you in your prosperity affirmation !

I - IGA (Identify Your Desire, Give Desire Attention, Allow it) - Part 2

Techniques for "Allowing it"

According to Michael Losier, some of the techniques for allowing your desire to manifest :

1. Making an Attraction Box.

Attraction box bring prosperity !

An Attraction Box is used to collect things that represent your desire : things you cut out of magazines and newspaper, brochure for holiday trips or even business cards of people you want to work with.

The Attraction Box can be any type of container, as simple as a shoebox or as elaborate as a treasure chest.

Each time you put something into your Attraction box, what you are actually offering "vibrationally" is HOPE and HOPE is a positive vibe. Instead of throwing away catalogues and the flyers and say things like "I can't afford this" or "I will never be able to do one of these", you now "allow it". You do this because its not your job to figure out where or when your desire is going to come. Just put into the Attraction Box and leave the rest to Law of Attraction.

2. Appreciation and Gratitude

Appreciation and gratitude will help you send out strong positive vibes. When appreciating something you are offering a feeling and vobration of pure joy !

As mentioned in "G- Gratitude Journal", keeping an gratitude journal is an effective daily tool for maintaining a positive vibe. When you deliberately take time to appreciate daily you intentionally offering strong positive vibes. In that moment, the Law of Atraction is unfolding to bring you more of what you are offering "vibrationally".

3. Use the expression " I'm in the Process of ..."

The moment you think about your desire, talk about it , write about it, put in your Attraction box, you have just began "the process of" because in each of these cases, you are giving your desire attention, energy and focus. So it is true .. you are "in the process of ".

By using this, it will force you not to think negatively, about the lack of etc. The Law of Attraction is always unfolding and orchestrating events and circumstances to respond to your vibration and bring you more of the same. As you attract what you've desired, once it manifests, you'll generate a new desire and once again be "in the process of ".

Before: I'm still waiting to find my ideal job.
  • I 'm in the process of obtaining my ideal job !
Use this expression whenever you've any doubts of not reaching your goals or manifesting your desire.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

I - IGA (Identify Your Desire, Give Desire Attention, Allow it)

Law of Attraction

According to Michael Losier's teaching , there are a number of tools and techniques that can help you remove the doubt (resistance).

Techniques to remember: 3-step Formula for Deliberate Attraction  

Step #1: Identify my desire

Step #2: Give my desire attention

Step # 3: Allow it…remove doubts (The most important point)

You've heard the saying "Just believe it and it will come." Well, technically, that is true. However,
"believing" is not just thinking that you can have it; it is also feeling that it is possible.

When we believe that we can "have it," that means we have remove all doubts in receiving it.

So by allowing, your desire can come to you very quickly providing you have no resistance to receiving it.  Resistance = Doubt

When you remove the "doubt" that you can have what you want, you are allowing and that is how it can come to you.

According to Michael Losier, there are a number of tools and techniques that can help you remove the doubt (resistance).

One is to create a "Allowing Statement".
  • Start by asking yourself if there is anyone currently doing what you want to do or having what you want ? If so, then how many people hve been doing this today? Yesterday ? Last week ? Last Month ? Last Year ?
  • Write your statements in general terms (3rd person) because making reference to yourself may create more doubt.
  • Ensure the statement is credible
For example, if your desire is to attract your ideal financial situation. Assuming you are clear about your desire and giving your desire focus and attention (ie. by affirmation - See "A-Affirm your Way to Prosperity"). you can use the following Allowing Statements:

  • Millions of people are receiving cheques today
  • Every day, billion of dollars are moved from bank account to bank account
  • Someone just received a cheque this minute
  • Hundreds of thousands of people wins prizes and money every day
  • Somebody become a millionaire yesterday
  • Millions of dollars are inherited every day
  • Someone found money today
  • More and more people are attracting creative ways to bring in extra income
As you begin to read this "Allow Statement", your first response should be sense of HOPE and diminishing of doubt beause people have already achieve that ! You are no different from them.

Once you achieve this, you are removing resistance and allowing the Law of Attraction to respond to your desire for ideal financial situation.

When using the formula for Deliberate Attraction, spend most of your time "Allowing," as it determines how quickly, or slowly, your desires will come to you.

H - Happiness breeds Prosperity

In today uncertain time, like most people (including myself), you may feel helpless at the mercy of life and that you have little power over how things turn out.

We can learn to use attraction to have more of what we want. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force and is responsible for most of what we experience in life (good and bad). The Buddhist terms this as "Karma".  It is accessible to every human being at every moment in time. All we have to do is learn how to harness it to make it work to our advantage.

Everything in the world is made of energy - we, a rock, water, tree etc. Energy is vibration, and everything vibrates. As a human (energetic) being, we have a frequency that vibrate at - sometimes high, low, or in-between.

Magnetic energy is attached to our thoughts. For example, when you feel "Happy", filled with joy, gratitude, you are sending out frequency vibrations that magnetize good stuff to you. Fear, worry, guilt, shame send out lower frequencies. Thus, the way we think, is the way we feel, is the way we vibrate, is the way we attract !

No one is immune to the power of attraction. When you are not intentional about what you want, you create by default. Everything in your life you have attracted because of the person you are - what you think and feel, including your work, spouse , home, financial success or distress. Even challenges and opportunities have been attracted into your life because of your persistent thoughts about them.

The law states, "that which is like unto itself is drawn." Simply put, like attracts like. Happy people attract happy people. Anger will draw frustrating circumstances. A prosperous mind attracts money-making opportunities. Doubt breeds more doubt. The law of attraction is neutral. It can help you or hurt you. Your state of mind will equal your state of life - be it positive, loving and flowing or negative, fearful, and stuck.

Like it or not, you are getting what you are getting because of how you are attracting. If you are not happy with what you have, you have not matched your vibration/intention to your desire. Keep doing and feeling what you have been and you will get more of the same.

In other words, if you say you want to be rich, and yet feel poor and unworthy inside, your emotions will send out the frequency of lack, and that is what the universe will supply you with. You are creating your experience at this moment.

Your thoughts are a form of energy that vibrate at a speed determined by the level of emotional intensity accompanying the thought. The more loving, fearful, doubtful, etc. you are, the more rapidly your thoughts radiate from you and attract similar people and situations to match that feeling state to you.

Attraction is an unconscious energy - you can't see it, but you can feel it.

It's the "vibe" that you give off. Intentional attraction is the conscious recognition of the quality of your vibration and the deliberate choice of where and what you point that vibration towards.

To become more attractive, you must reprogram yourself into the affirmative and positive. Do not say or think, "I don't want to be poor anymore" or "I don't want to be treated badly." When you think in the negative, what you are sending out into the universe is what you don't want. So, you will experience financial setbacks and/or unhealthy relationships.

For the  whole week monitor your thoughts and words. When you catch yourself dwelling on the negative, use a "thought-stopping technique" and substitute it with something affirmative. Research shows that thoughts held consistently for about 15-20 seconds will begin to attract similar energy. This is a great reason to read, review, and reflect on your goals and purpose daily, so as to reinforce what you really do want.

To activate this law in your life, pay attention to your thoughts and change them to a higher frequency.  Be Happy always ! Be aware of your desires and take actio n on manifesting them. Put your energy and focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. Be open, welcome people and opportunities that show up to help you fulfill your desires.

G - Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal

In my earlier post in "E- Enjoy Your Blessings"  , I mentioned about being appreciative and enjoy our blessings.

One way to be appreciative of our blessings is to have a "Gratitude Journal" . It's like a blank notebook where you write a list of things which you are appreciative of. Carry the journal with you all the time or you can use the Grattude journal available in i-phone apps.

By acquiring prosperity thought,  you would be now be more conscious of the good things (or something worth celebrating) that come to you. When these happen, quickly take note and record in your journal. Just write and don't worry if these have to be new or different. Every night, before you go to bed, you take about 5 minutes to reflect upon & see what are the good things that have came to you during the day. 

What happens when you  review your journal every night ?

You would be amazed that there are quite alot of blessings that have come to you and you should feel grateful for and appreciative. Remember: Being appreciative of your blessings will appreciate your blessings !

By reflecting before you sleep, you will also now become more in-tune with the blessings for the next day.  It’s like turning on an inner-switch that sets your subconscious mind awareness to look for  stuff to fill up your journal each day. Stop a moment and enjoy the rain and visualise  it as showers of blessings;  stop a moment and enjoy when you see a colourful bird chirping happily outside your balcony.. you can make a mental note or include it your gratitude journal.

Your colleague treat you for a lunch and pay for the bill. Besides thanking him, make a mental note or quickly jote down in your gratitude journal.

So now your journal is like a a basket overflowing with abundant prosperity blessings and you are now becoming a "Gratitude Magnet" , being grateful for all the goodness and blessings showered upon you.

Gratitude unlock the fullness of life, It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity... it turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing and mistakes into important events - - Melodie Beattle

Please try this out for 1 month and watch how this practise will transform you. Expect good things and more good things to happen to you. Expect the blessings and the increase.

Expect many good days to show up in your life !

Monday 24 October 2011

F- Fengshui Your Way to Prosperity !

A lot have been mentioned about placing Feng Shui objects to enhance your prosperity and wealth... There are people whom have very successful results while some did not have much success despite spending alot money and efforts on  their Feng Shui items.

Why ? I think the key here has alot to do with Yourself.
Remember in my earlier post  "A- Affirm Your Way to Prosperity", we mentioned that one of the key to achieve prosperity is to have positive vibes, and positive vibes will attract good things and circumstances (Law Of Attraction).
You can made use of this principle in your Feng Shui item. So if you wish to attract prosperity, you must first create the thoughts of prosperity in your mind. Feng Shui items can help you deliberately picture the good you want to bring into your life and help you in your prosperity affirmation.

So by placing prosperity Feng Shui items at a PROMINENT place in your house or office ( in particular at the wealth location) , it aids you in your affirmation practice (by seeing it, picturing it and reminding you about prosperity every day).

The key is that you must like this Feng Shui item you place (doesn't have to be expensive) and it MUST represent prosperity to you. It can be vacations, better jobs, increased income, headling of health problems, sale of homes and businesses etc  So over time with the prosperity thoughts generated in your mind (by picturing  this Feng Shui item), it will attract the same prosperity energy, good things and circumstances to you.

So please go identify that Feng Shui item  (eg. Money Plant,  Framed Dollar bills, Amethyst Crystal, Pot of Gold Coins, Wealth Ship etc)  that represents Prosperity to you and place it at the "Prosperity/ Abundance" location in your house or office. According to the Chinese BaGua Map, Prosperity Location  is usually at the Far Left corner when you enter your house via the  Front Entrance. It can also be at the South-East location of your house.

Purple is the best colour to stimulate and increase your abundance. Green is a potent money symbol. Gold are things that enhance the prosperity area.

Amethyst Crystal to attract Prosperity
You can place more than one Feng Shui item, which represents  "Multiple Sources of Prosperity" to you and very soon you will have different sources of prosperity coming to you from different directions !

See how we are creatively using  Feng Shui for prosperity affirmation ?

Saturday 22 October 2011

E - Enjoy Your Blessings

Showers of Blessings!

I believe that the one very important way of appreciating of what the Universe have for us is to enjoy our blessings.  Appreciate our blessings so that it will appreciate.

Why inconvenient yourself by comparing how your life is more inconvenient than others ? why not convenient yourself by comparing how your life is more convenient than others ?

To enjoy something is to first notice it, appreciate it and experience it with joy !
We have to see how we are better off as there is no point dwelling in our unhappiness... so live each day and enjoy our  blessings !

Examples:  Today I'm enjoying my blessings when I am appreciative and joyful that :
  • A friend treated  me a lunch
  • I met my long-lost classmate
  • I attended a free 2-hr talk on Real Estate Investment
  • I received a "Thank-you" email from my colleagues
  • I strike lottery (irregardless of the amount)
  • I had my interests and late paymenet fees on my credit bills waived by the bank
  • I give up my seat to the elderly in the train
  • I give way when driving
  • I made offerings to monsasteries, temples or churches
  • I donated for a charitable cause etc..
By being deliberately conscious of your blessings which are being showered upon you, you tend to not take such things (no matters how small or insignificant) for granted. You become a deliberate attraction of positive vibes. As more of such thoughts and words become positive, you will start attracting more positive people and cicumstances ( Law of Attraction).

Do not complain when the weather is hot - - Be thankful that the sky is filled up with sunshine (view it as "Sun Ray of Blessings"). Do not complain when it is raining - - view it as "Showers of Blessings".

So everyday there is always something we are grateful for and appreciative.

This is  PROSPERITY THINKING. Anticipate it, Recognised it, Appreciate it, Share it,  Enjoy the Blessings  !!

Monday 17 October 2011

D - Desiring Prosperity

Desiring Prosperity

I am currently reading books on prosperity by Catherine Ponder and every read has a new interpretation of prosperity.

Personally I think everyone of us should desire for prosperity. The key is that we should not let prosperity turn you to become more greedy and selfish , caring for yourself and disregarding others rite ?

The motivation for desiring prosperity must be correct. By being prosperous we can do so much more good than we can when poor –  making offering to your monasteries / churches, contribute to charities, helping the poor and needy etc - All these create merits in your Merit Bank. By being prosperous we are so much happier and joyful. Success comes to those with a prosperous attitude !

If we have conflicting thoughts about desiring prosperity it will be reflected in our success and daily endeavours. While we may be working very hard in our job or business to succeed;  but because of these conflicting thoughts on desiring prosperity , it will  neutralise our efforts to succeed. No matter how hard we work the success would be limited. To achieve prosperity we need to eliminate our negative belief around being wealthy. 

I believe as humans, Buddha or God would want us to be prosperous and that we live in an abundant world with overflowing of good for all of us, so that we can also help others become prosperous. As the saying goes “PROSPERITY THY NEIGHBOUR”.

And the first step we do this is to train our MINDS. We need to think about all the wonderful things we want in our life and then we need to think aout all the wonderful things we want in our life and then we need to radiate out these thoughts of prosperity, wealth, abundance,  health and happiness. Through the “Law of Attraction”  we will then attract  results into our life because “THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS”.

“The Empires of the Future are the empires of the mind” – Winston Churchill

 Are you building your Empire now ?

C - Catherine Ponder (Leading Author on Prosperity Thoughts)

Catherine Ponder is one of US 's foremost inspirational authors. She has written more than a dozen books, including her first prosperity book “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity”  in the early 1960's  and “Open Your Mind to Prosperity.”

The principles of abundance described in her books are timeless and invaluable ! The principles have  helped many people all over the world (including me) to learn, be inspired and receive prosperity . Her books are now translated abroad and she receives lectureinvitations from all over the world.

Catherine Ponder writes from a Christian perspective. For non-Christians, you may wish to substitute your own deity form where Ponder mentions God. Those uncomfortable with religion can substitute "The Universe".

You can check out the numerous reviews and can order some of the popular books  online via Amazon.

1) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

2) Open Your Mind to Receive

3) Pray and Grow Rich !

4) The Millionaires of Genesis

5) The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages

6) How To Live A Prosperous Life

In Singapore, I understand that most of the local bookstores do not carry these books. I do have some stocks available and you can make your request to me. Each of these books are specially blessed and may  anyone who see or touch these books be attracted to the energy of  Prosperity !  For info, part of the your money proceeds would be used used for charitable causes hencing increasing your merit bank.

a) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (Paperback 434 pages) : S$ 35

Dynamic Law of Prosperity

b) Open your Mind to Receive Prosperity (Paperback 120 pages) : S$ 25

Open Your mind to Receive

For order enquries, You can Email me your Name & Request at

Sunday 16 October 2011

B - Blessing has Multiplying Powers

Blessings has multiplying Powers !

Besides food blessing, this can be applied to other things - Bless your Wallet, Bless your Money , Bless your Saving Passbook , Bless your Cheque and even Bless Your Bills etc... ( for more money coming to you to do more good cause !).

I make it a habit to bless my money whenever I spend and give out money.

From a Tibetan Buddhist perspective I usually chant silently 3 times "Om Ah Hung" mantra and blow on the notes or coins.This mantra is very powerful and contain all the essence of the Buddhas. By purifying, multiplying and transforming and making offerings to the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) with a proper motivation, we accumulate merit. Otherwise if we go about our everyday using ordinary objects out of attachment or self- cherishing, we are engaging in non-virtuous actions.

For non-Buddhists, you can bless the money and wish that it be used for a great philanthropic cause.Let it be used go fulfil someone's hunger, let it be used by someone to buy Medicine to cure sickness, let it be used to relieve someone's suffering, let it be used for a good cause etc.

Why do we do this ? The logic is simple - every thought is energy; every thought is like a seed which when nurtured properly has the potential to become a tree and bear fruits, under right conditions.Every thought is a potential action , a potential chain in your thinking and your behavior. Remember : THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS !

Through the act of blessing , the seeds of prosperity are sown and is making it's way to you !

B - Blessing Has Multiplying Powers

Blessings has multiplying Powers !

According to Catherine Ponder, world renowned author on Prosperity Thoughts, the act of blessing what is on hand can increase it mightily. Remind yourself often: "The act of blessing has multiplying powers. As I bless what is on hand, this opens the way for it to increase mightily. So I bless and increase my health, wealth and happiness now !".

Races and religions from different parts of world believe in multiplying power of blessing what is on hand.

Before meal, Buddhists dedicate their food to the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)"May it benefit my body so I can benefit others ".

Christians bless their food, say grace and give thanks before meal.

In Japan, it is customary to say "Itadakimasu" (I humbly receive) before a meal.

Though the act blessing and saying gratitude for what you have on hand , you are creating and radiating positive vibes in your mind.

In line with Law of Attraction, positive vibes attracts positive things and very soon prosperity would be on it's way to you !

A - Affirm Your Way To Prosperity

Prosperity means different things to different people. It can be success, good fortune, good health, children or wealth. It's a word that often immediately conjures up image of money in the minds of most people. But did you know that money is only a part of what it means to be prosperous ? Prosperity should address 3 holistic dimensions - Mind, Body and Soul.

In Steven Covey's 7 Habit of highly successful people "Begin with the END in mind". So to attract prosperity , you MUST know what does "prosperity" means to you.

Affirm your way to prosperity
To affirm means to "Say something positively". It means to declare firmly and assert something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert that what you want to be true is true.They are short, powerful statements.

When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. As the saying goes "Thoughts become Things !" So watch your thoughts carefully.

To attract prosperity, you should start discarding all negative thoughts and engage in positive affirmation. I like Catherine Ponder's affirmation that start as follows, "In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy an positive way, I am ...."

1) Becoming a Money Magnet and prosperity of all kinds come to me in all directions
2) Increasing my sources of multiple income

3) Receiving all the wealth that the Universe has for me now

4) Attracting prosperity to my life etc

So create your own affirmation based on your wish-list and start your daily affirmation now. Be consistent and patient, as we must let universe do it's work.

You will be surprise to watch how prosperity start manifesting in front of you !!